Why Channels Want to Partner With Inflow Technologies
nnInflow Technologies’ tie up with 39 vendor companies, an extensive tech portfolio, and a services play, are great value propositions for enterprise channels, says its President and CEO, Byju Pillai. At the end of 2013, Inflow Technologies bought its JV partner’s equity.n
nnThis lead to a delay of seven to eight months in vendor alliances for Inflow Technologies. But the company, with industry veteran Byju Pillai as its President and CEO, was able to overcome this challenge.nnThe company bounced back, thanks to Pillai’s entrepreneurial skills and his team’s effort to end 2014 with revenues of Rs 540 crore. “The temporary delay impacted the channel perception and the brand equity to an extent. But we had a 30 percent growth, and more importantly, a profitable one over the past year, through our alliances with 39 vendor companies,” says Pillai. Its run was so good that Pillai says each month was profitable for the company.nnThe revenue numbers include India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal, with India contributing 97 percent of the revenues. “We strengthened operations in Sri Lanka last year by adding new staff and more channel partners. We expect non-India revenues to grow more, especially in Sri Lanka,” says Pillai.nnThe Bangalore-headquartered company, with over 190 employees executed business through 700 channel partners last fiscal. Pan India focus was increased through addition of offices in Ahmedabad and Pune. “There are more business avenues opening up in Gujarat and Maharashtra. We strengthened the operations across the offices in Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai and other cities,” he says.nnRead the complete articlenn