With an aim to bring change into Indian technology distribution industry, top 10 distributors with a turnover of more than Rs. 50,000 crore have formed a forum – The Technology Distribution Association of India’ (TDAI) . It has been formed with a motto ‘We can only build when we know how to sustain.’n nThe Distributors who have joined this forum include Ingram Micro, Redington, Supertron, Savex, Neoteric, Compuage, Iris, Rashi, Avnet and Inflow Technologies. nnLike industry bodies MAIT and Nasscom, it is also a non-profit organization with an objective to to build a transparent and organized distribution services sector in India through risk mitigated best practices. While maintaining a strategic and healthy channel through good governance and appropriate compliance standards, from the manufacturer to the end-user, TDAI will support the industry’s development and expansion while ensuring business hygiene.nnRead the complete report